As well as acres of fields to wander, grass to lay down in, chairs to sit in, and refreshments to partake in, the farm also has a wonderful gift shop in the drying shed featuring Purple Haze Lavender products as well as garden goodies where you can shop for unique and charming Sequim lavender gifts.
Just outside the drying shed is Bell Bottom Beverages, a charming little area tucked in the gardens. Bell Bottom Beverages offers lavender lemonade and lavender ice cream seasonally, as well as some other delights during special events and weekends. We look forward to welcoming you onto the farm, feel free to wander, and simply enjoy the beauty.
When will your gift shop be open?
I was disappointed to see that your Washington St location had closed.
Hi Marilyn, sorry it’s taken us a while to get back to you. We’ve been busy getting production up and going here at the farm. We had no internet or phones for a spell but we’ve finally corrected that problem! Please call us at 360-683-0612 to place an order and for general info. Thanks so much for being a devoted customer!