Need a quick getaway? We love this article about Three Days in Sunny Sequim! Sometimes you just need a little break from the day to day grind, but all you have is a few days and what to do? We might be a little prejudice, but we couldn’t agree more with the author of this great article on where you should go and what you should do! She captured all the things that those of us who live here are blessed enough to have access to everyday. If you love good food and beautiful scenery than this is a wonderful getaway…the only thing we would add is that if you need a place to stay be sure and check out our Purple Haze Farmhouse vacation rental located right on the farm itself….you can enjoy the beauty of a working lavender farm-but you don’t have to pull a single weed!

And if you enjoy a good party there is always “Purple Haze Daze” which takes place during Lavender Weekend, at the farm, the third weekend in July-come spend 3 days of lavender heaven with amazing food and beverages from Blondies Plate and the best music lineup in town! There is always a chair waiting for you at Purple Haze……..we invite you to come enjoy Three Days in Sunny Sequim!